
We are seven TV & Media Production students from IT Carlow and as part of our coursework we were assigned to come up with a blog.
And so 'Ctrl Alt Cinema' was born. We plan on bringing you reviews and opinions on the films which you may have missed!
So, with out much further ado..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eden Lake 2008

Eden Lake is a 2008 British horror and thriller written and directed by James Watkins and starring Kelly Reilly, Michael Fassbender and Jack O' Connel.
We're finishing up the blog today so I said I'd post about another film I enjoyed recently.
I really enjoyed this movie. It wasn't terrifying as the poster says, but it was definitely thrilling. Fassbender (now a big hollywood star after Inglorious Basterds) is ok in this but it's not his best role to date.
The plot is about a young couple who take a trip to Eden Lake. A place where Steve (Fassbender) went as a young child, but is now closed to the public and inhabitted by youths. As tension grows between the couple and the youths, things turn violent and a game of cat and mouse insues.
I think the idea behind the story was to show what young kids in Britain are like today and how their parents are neglecting them. The breakdown of civil life in Britain. You almost believe this could happen to you and it is plausible that there are kids out there like that shown in this movie. It's almost a gaurantee these days. There are gruesome parts in the movie and you do get emotionally involved with Jenny as she tries to get away.
You have to ask yourself why they would stay and put up with the youths but I guess if I think about it I wouldn't let some kids ruin my holiday either. That's a running theme throughout though. Stubborness and hopelessness. Even when they do stand up to the kids and fight back in the end it's hopeless. All of this stems from lack of parenting and that's the feeling we're left with in the end. That this could all happen again.
I think it's a timely movie but is never going to make enough of an impact that the writer, I'm sure, wanted. It is scary though and is full of twists and turns to keep the story exciting. The ending is a great twist too. Check it out.
Anyway that's me done with this blogging craic so signing off,

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