This is an irish film written and directed Neil Jordan. It's a nice film. It looks nice. The acting is also really good. Where this movie doesn't totally deliver though is in story. It's a bit boring and predictable and when new characters are introduced they don't have a big enough impact to move the story along.
When Vladic comes into the picture you are expecting a huge impact but it never really delivers. I was expecting much more action and drama here. Instead he kind of just fizzles out.
I also don't think the whole lighthouse scene was needed. I think that they could have revealed Ondine's history with a bit more of an impact and played more on Syracuse's drinking demons.
I did enjoy this though. I enjoyed it even though I was only 1 of four people in the whole cinema on it's debut night watching this and they had to restart the movie after 20 minutes because of sound problems. I think I mostly enjoyed it though because it's an irish film and the location looked great. I don't ever see this being a huge film but it's directed well and would make for a pretty safe rental. If anything it shows off Castletownbere as a beautiful coastel irish town, which shows Ireland really has some great locations for movies.
By Gerry.
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